Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Easier Photo Editing?!

Okay, so I am not the greatest when it comes to editing photos. I mean, the whole thing kind of intimidates me AND it takes soo long to figure out. Well, a friend told me about Picnik, a free, online photo editing tool. Yes, I know there are other tools with many more bells and whistles but I just don't have the time to sit and play with them to (1) figure them out and (2) get my pictures the way I want them (if you know me you will know I am a bit anal when it comes to details). Picnik gives you a little edge to your work AND makes your pictures pop!

So, here is the before....

And here is the after.

Nice, right? In just 2 minutes, I was able to sharpen the face and make those great colors a little more vibrant. Give Picnik a try. You might be surprised by what it can do to quickly improve your pictures!

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