Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Moving Forward

This morning, my wee one (14 mo.) made me grin from ear to ear through misty eyes.

Arriving at daycare, I pulled her from her car seat, placed her shoes back on her feet (she takes them off whenever we get into the car), and gave her a big squeeze before standing her on the brick path. We walked hand in hand, albeit slowly, to the provider's front porch. While we waited for the door to open, my sweet girl patted the pumpkins on display with genuine excitement. As soon as we heard, "Buenos dias, la princessa!" I helped her into the formal living room and removed her jacket. The daycare provider and I began our quick catch-up session but as she spoke I couldn't help but notice all of the little boys lined up on the gate corralling them in the play room. As she waited, Reagan began waving excitedly to her friends. Then, she turned and waved to me as if to say, "Bye Mom!" It was the most precious sight. (Sniffle, Sniffle)

She is definitely growing up and with her growth comes my realization that she is moving forward. It isn't easy to face but she sure does make me proud.

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